Export Urdu text to Urdu Nigar Classic version

Summary: If no option works for enabling/adding Urdu in another software, You can always try exporting text to Urdu Nigar Classic version that uses ALKATB1 true type font , open unc file , copy text , paste in target application/software and select Alkatb1 font available at http://www.ajsoftpk.com/urdufont/AlKatib1(2.1)a.zip


Figure 1: Option of exporting Urdu

Figure 2: Urdu Nigar Classic format

Figure 3: Garbage Text in Software

Figure 4: Alkatib1 font Applied

Figure 5: After Applying ALKATIB1 True Type Font


Note: There is a difference between Alkatib Unicode font and Alkatib1 font , You need to use later one. This is allow you to write Urdu in almost ANY SOFTWARE.

References: Urdu Nigar Classic http://www.ajsoftpk.com/urdunigarclassic/  and Mutakallim http://www.ajsoftpk.com/mutakallim/ can be used to type Urdu using ALKATIB1 font.



Features of Urdu Nigar Rray version (newer than Unicode a Free Urdu Editor)